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boiler room scam造句

  • This could be one of the largest boiler room scams in the world,
  • The boiler room scam ( a fake stock trading scam ) is perhaps the most publicized white collar crime in Thailand.
  • She said the boiler room scam " takes on a new dimension because of the ability online to reach thousands, if not millions, of investors with a single keystroke ."
  • The attacks delete my simple explanation of why US regulators have charged the company, which in their indictment describes it as a sort of boiler room scam, masquerading as trading house .  Preceding contribs)
  • It's difficult to see boiler room scam in a sentence. 用boiler room scam造句挺难的
如何用boiler room scam造句,用boiler room scam造句boiler room scam in a sentence, 用boiler room scam造句和boiler room scam的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。